Tammy Hurst, the Director of Business Operations for the Stark County ESC & Raven Gayheart, Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank were guests on the Gary Rivers Show Friday morning.

The topic?

Stuffing a Bus.

On Monday, April 29, 20 school districts from the Stark County Educational Service Center, including schools from Carroll, Summit, Tuscarawas and Wayne counties, will pack school buses with food donations collected for the Foodbank’s Harvest for Hunger Campaign.

All participating districts will meet in Canton and then travel north to the Foodbank, where volunteers from Synchrony will help unload the donations.

This event has grown tremendously and last year, some districts even brought along students to help with the delivery.

The Harvest for Hunger campaign is quickly wrapping up and the organization hopes to finish strong.  Because of the generosity of Shearer’s Snacks and a few anonymous friends of the Foodbank, all Harvest for Hunger donations will be matched up to $79,000!