It’s the holidays!

We love to eat.  We also love to feed our pets a part of our holiday feast.

Maybe you should reconsider.

Ask any vet and they’ll tell you that, while there are some food that can be good, there are many others you should avoid giving pets at all costs.

Here are some vet-approved foods:

  • Small amount of cooked turkey — 1/4 cup is about 60 calories
  • Cooked or raw vegetables such as green beans, carrots, sweet potatoes, corn, lettuce
  • Fruit — apples, pumpkin, banana, oranges, strawberries, blueberries or melon

Here are some foods that should be avoided at all costs:

  • Chocolate
  • Onions/garlic/leeks/chives (Allium species)
  • Grapes/raisins
  • Raw meat, bones or eggs
  • Bones of any kind (raw or cooked)
  • Xylitol (in many gums, candies, baked goods, toothpaste)
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Avocado
  • High fat, rich foods