Clinic: Busy Tick Season
June 8, 2023 8:57AM EDT
CLEVELAND, Ohio (News Talk 1480 WHBC) – We’re told ticks are quite active this year in wooded areas and in high grass.
But the Cleveland Clinic reminds us there are tools to deal with the little buggers.
To keep them off of you, use a bug spray that contains Deet.
And if you find a tick embedded in your skin and it’s been more than 36 hours, your healthcare provider can help you.
To remove a tick, use tweezers or a tick remover and pull straight and firmly.
Remove any parts that break off and call a doctor.
Doctor Daniel Sullivan with the Cleveland Clinic says you want to examine yourself soon after any outdoor activity.
The bugs sometimes the size of a sesame seed or smaller are usually looking for a warm spot to “dig in”.