Do Singles Really Celebrate on Singles Awareness Day?
February 15, 2019 12:34PM EST
Today is February 15thWhich Is Singles Awareness Day
Singles Awareness Day is for those who are unattached, and without a significant other.
It is celebrated each year the day after Valentine’s Day.
But does anyone really celebrate it?
A quick look around the internet, we could mostly only find websites that say the same thing: It’s a day to celebrate your singleness and not dwell on self-pity.
We finally found a so-called “official” website
But, does that really make it official?
At least someone had the foresight to give us some “traditions” — that no one we could find ever follows:
Singles Awareness Day traditions include:
- Singles get together. It’s a chance to meet.
- Singles give each other gifts
- Spend a little time in online dating sites
- You can celebrate and enjoy the fact that you are unattached.
The most telling reason we could find for the day? It’s acronym: S.A.D.