East Wayne Firefighter Receives Medal of Valor from President

WASHINGTON, DC (News Talk 1480 WHBC) – Two Ohio public safety officials were among the 15 receiving the Medal of Valor from President Biden on Monday, one of them posthumously.

Assistant East Wayne Fire District Chief Ryan Sprunger received the award for saving a man and his then-6-year-old grandson who had fallen through the ice on a frozen pond.

A 4-year-old brother did pass away after being rescued.

Chief Sprunger established a program in that youngster’s name, placing Jenson Hodge Memorial rescue throw ropes at Wayne County ponds and lakes.

And Deputy Sheriff Dalton Rushing of Perry County was one of two receiving that presidential honor posthumously.

Deputy Rushing jumped into the icy waters of Tecumseh Lake last year, successfully saving a man, losing his own life in the process.