Heavy Rain Makes for Impacts, But Enshrinement Events Go On

CANTON, Ohio (News Talk 1480 WHBC) – Heavy rain that especially impacted the Canton area on Saturday impacted both the Hall of Fame Grand Parade and Enshrinement ceremony, but both did take place.

4.17 inches of rain fell in a two-hour period at the airport starting at 10:30, with the Stark County EMA saying two inches fell in 45 minutes in the Canton area.

All participants in the parade had stepped off and our 1480 WHBC/Mix 94-1 coverage was completed, but the last unit reportedly had reached between 9th and 12th Street NW when the parade was ended.

And Tom Benson Stadium remained cleared for storm warnings through 1:15, delaying the start of the Enshrinement event.

The Zimber Ditch flood gauge reached just above flood stage, and flood warnings were up for the West Branch of Nimishillen Creek.

Cars were stalled out in high water in Jackson and other townships, notably along Belden Village Street NW.