New Canton City Schools Sports Complex is Near
It looks like plans to build a 27-thousand square foot sports facility for Canton City schools is moving forward. School Board President J. R. Rinaldi — on The Week That Was with Joe Palmisano this Saturday – said a meeting in December with developers of the Hall of Fame Village was the best they’ve had and it’s a long time coming. He says they want to be clear they are enhancing more than the football program. They hope to put a shovel in the ground March 1st and the project should take about 6 to 9 months to complete. The old Don Scott Field will be torn down. It will include a 4-thousand square foot weight room, a pro style equipment room, meeting rooms and more. Rinaldi adds that paperwork still has to be signed but he hopes that will happen soon. To listen to the entire interview go to Joe Palmisano’s show page: