Ruth Drew, Director, Information and Support Services, Alzheimer’s Association, & Ed Ortiz, Alzheimer’s caregiver were guests on the Gary Rivers Show Tuesday morning.

They were on the show to talk about the Alzheimer’s Association’s efforts to promote awareness during  Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month

Every 65 seconds someone in the United States develops Alzheimer’s disease.  Alzheimer’s is America’s 6th leading cause of death and affects more than 5 million Americans and more than 16 million family caregivers. Early detection can make a significant difference in living with the disease and managing disease-related challenges, but many families struggle to take the first, necessary steps.

The new campaign targets family members and features real stories, encouraging people to notice the signs, trust their gut, and start a conversation. By showing real, relatable stories, the ads help normalize a difficult conversation and offers tools to help.

Hear the Interview