THURSDAY UPDATE: Local Counties No Longer Purple, State New Daily Cases Remain Below 10,000

COLUMBUS, Ohio (News Talk 1480 WHBC) – Some good coronavirus news on Thursday.

Stark, Summit and Portage Counties are no longer in Purple Level-4, they have dropped back to Red Level-3.

Richland is the only purple county now.

After some technical issues on Wednesday, the Ohio Department of Health has caught up with the case numbers.

The two-day average yesterday and today is 8400 new state cases and 306 new Stark County cases.

Here are the Thursday numbers:

Thurs Dec 17 (due to technical issues, new cases missed on Wednesday were put into the system on Thursday. The governor expressed the daily case numbers as 2-day averages, as seen below))

Ohio: 596,178 cases (2-day average increase of 8411),
7894 deaths (+117)

Stark: 17,089 (2-day average increase of 306),
258 deaths (+1)