Governor’s Frustration: Under-65 Medically Fragile Having Some Issues Getting Vaccinated

COLUMBUS, Ohio (News talk 1480 WHBC) – Governor Mike DeWine, expressing his frustration with a few vaccine providers in the state, apparently unclear about the under-65 age group now eligible to get in line for the coronavirus vaccine.

The state has spelled out over a dozen serious conditions that make people under the age of 65 eligible.

There are reports of people with cystic fibrosis and cerebral palsy being turned away.

The governor asks providers to check the list.

Here’s the list as seen on the RestartStark website:

Ohioans with severe congenital, developmental, or early onset medical disorders that make them particularly vulnerable.
Vaccinations will take place in two phases, starting with those who have a developmental or intellectual disability AND one of the conditions listed below. Eligibility will expand three weeks later to any individuals with one of the conditions below.

Sickle cell anemia.

Down syndrome.

Cystic fibrosis.

Muscular dystrophy.

Cerebral palsy.

Spina bifida.

People born with severe heart defects, requiring regular specialized medical care.

People with severe type 1 diabetes, who have been hospitalized for this in the past year.

Phenylketonuria (PKU), Tay-Sachs, and other rare, inherited metabolic disorders.

Epilepsy with continuing seizures; hydrocephaly; microcephaly, and other severe neurological disorders.

Turner syndrome, fragile X syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, and other severe genetic disorders.

People with severe asthma, who have been hospitalized for this in the past year.

Alpha and beta thalassemia.

Solid organ transplant candidates and recipients.

Vaccine recipients must be age 16 or older to be eligible for the Pfizer vaccine, and age 18 or older to be eligible for the Moderna vaccine.
How individuals who qualify can get the vaccine
Eligible Ohioans with one of the specific qualifying medical conditions can receive the vaccine from a provider of their choice.
Process for confirming eligibility:
The State of Ohio is not requiring any additional documentation or proof of eligibility; however, vaccine providers may develop their own screening and monitoring procedures to evaluate eligibility.
Patients will be asked to confirm that they have one of the qualifying conditions, but do not need to name the specific condition.