Opening Today:  Beyond Camelot: The Life and Legacy of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

The National First Ladies Library (205 Market Ave N) Exhibition “Beyond Camelot: The Life and Legacy of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.”  The Exhibition is a display of Jackie Kennedy artifacts and keepsakes, one of America’s most famous and glamourous First Ladies. All of the items in the Exhibition were donated by Monte Durham, (celebrity fame of TLC show “Say Yes To The Dress Atlanta” who is here in Canton for several days and DONATED his personal collection of Jackie memorabilia.)  And welcome to our First Ladies  new President and CEO, Patty Dowd Schmitz and a special congratulations to her curator, Michelle Gullion, for organizing this Exhibition.  The Exhibition is running from May 2 to April 27. The First Ladies Library is located at 205 Market Ave N!