Still Work from Home after COVID-19?  Uh, Yeah!

Will more companies let people work from home, even after the crisis is over?  Almost definitely, to some extent.  And not everyone thinks that’s a bad thing.

A new survey talked to 1,000 people who’d never worked from home before the virus hit.  And a majority of them want to KEEP doing it.

57% said they’d prefer to continue working from home in the future.  Here are five more quick stats . . .

1.  48% think they’re more productive at home.  Only 29% said less productive.

2.  76% of people working from home right now are using Zoom or other video conferencing apps on a daily basis.

3.  A lot of us DO have “coworkers.”  68% said at least one other person in their household is also working from home right now.

4.  We miss our I.T. department though.  53% said they’ve experienced glitches during video calls, and things like their audio dropping out.

5.  54% of new at-home workers have had to upgrade their tech in some way.  Like replacing their computer, buying a printer, or upgrading their webcam.


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