What BIG Life change did YOU make during the Pandemic?  Here’s the top 10!

It’s been a weird year-and-a-half.  But even while we were stuck inside, we still lived our lives.  A new poll looked at the big life changes Americans made last year.  Here are the top ten . . .

1.  Adopted a pet.  18% of us did it in 2020.

2.  Renovated your home, 13%.

3.  Bought a car or motorcycle, 11%.

4.  Moved to a new city or state, 9%.

5.  Started a business from home, 7%.

6.  Bought a new house or condo, 6%.

7.  Added a swimming pool, 4%.

8.  Retired, 4%.

9.  Got married, 3%.

10.  Had a baby or adopted, 3%.