Canton City Public Health Letter to the Fair Board. Read below for the Fair update. Stark County Fair Board President Dale Klick will join Jon Bozeka at 11:15.

July 15, 2020

Dear Stark County Fair Board Officers and Members,

After a thorough review of the Director’s Order that Reopens County Fairs and Animal Exhibitions, with Exceptions, and in consideration of the rising COVID-19 cases locally and throughout the state which have been linked to mass gatherings with more than 10 people in attendance, it is my professional opinion that the 2020 Stark County Fair should be a limited event.

On-site events may include Junior Fair competitions and auctions. Art Hall and other Exhibitions should be held virtually. Food concessions should be limited in number and spaced out to accommodate 6-foot social distancing of patrons waiting in lines. Amusement rides should be cancelled. Grandstand events should also be cancelled. Fair Board employees are required to wear masks unless they fall into one of the exemptions listed in the Director’s Orders. Patrons should also be required to wear masks. Additional hand-washing stations and hand sanitizer stations should be made available. Signage must be posted to remind staff and patrons to maintain social distancing, wash hands regularly and properly, masks are required for staff and recommended for patrons, etc.

I know these recommendations will likely bring forth great disappointment that the 2020 Stark County Fair will be different in comparison to those of prior years. However, the steps you take to limit activities will also limit the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19. I am available if you have questions or need additional guidance,


Annmarie Butusov, RS

Director, Environmental Health.
