Russian Vodka Removed from Ohio Store Shelves, Sunday a Day of Prayer
Ohio Governor Mike Dewine has declared Sunday, February 27, 2022, a Day of Prayer in Ohio honoring the people of Ukraine. Ukraine’s flag will also soon fly at the Ohio Statehouse and Governor’s Residence to further show support for those under attack in Ukraine and for Ohio’s Ukrainian population.
He also directed the Ohio Department of Commerce to cease both the purchase & sale of all vodka made by Russian Standard, the only overseas, Russian-owned distillery with vodka sold in Ohio. Russian Standard’s vodka is sold under the brand names of Green Mark Vodka & Russian Standard Vodka.
Ohio Department of Commerce estimates that there are approximately 6,400 bottles of vodka made by Russian Standard currently for sale in Ohio’s 487 liquor agencies across the state. Retailers have been asked to immediately pull Green Mark Vodka and Russian Standard Vodka from their shelves.