The holidays are so stressful.  Do we really need to add more pressure?  A study looked at the top things guests JUDGE us for when they come visit.  So make sure that star on your tree is straight . . . because #1 is bad DECORATIONS.

Here are the top ten things guests will notice and judge you for this month . . .

1.  Decorations that don’t look perfect.

2.  The temperature in your home.

3.  How clean or cluttered it is.

4.  A broken or loose toilet seat.

5.  Your table setting if you host dinner.

6.  The size of your Christmas tree.

7.  How clean your bathroom is.

8.  A lack of food and snacks.

9.  Whether or not there’s a wreath on the door, and now nice it looks.

10.  No lock on your bathroom door.



(The Sun)

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